
CAUTERETS – Hautes-Pyrénées (65) – France
« Funspeed 1200 – High speed – High width »

  • Cauterets - Hautes-Pyrénées
  • Cauterets - Hautes-Pyrénées
  • Cauterets - Hautes-Pyrénées

Cauterets is a charming village resort for all styles of slides thanks to its two ski areas :

In 2011, Funbelt has implemented a new carpet lift, in the Domaine du Lys as part of an expansion of the ski beginner area where beginner courses are offered by ski instructors.

In 2012, Funbelt has covered the carpet lift with a gallery over its entire length, to protect skiers from bad weather, and for a maximum comfort.

In 2014, after 40 years of dedicated service the CAUTERETS resort replaced its LE PLATEAU surface lift in the Domaine de Lys beginner's area with a MOVING CARPET FUNBELT carpet lift. At present it is the longest exterior carpet lift in Europe!

In 2016, a new carpet is installed in the Domaine du Lys, the Big Foot carpet.Its particularity is to be equipped with a conveyor belt wide of 1.2 m allowing 2 people to travel side by side.


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