Optimized traffic flow

Panoramic view

Widened entry



Designed for long distances with high traffic, Twinlift double-band moving carpets can safely reach speeds of 1.2 m/s.
Maximum capacity
Length: 600 meters and more depending on the terrain
Slope: 30% (25% for skiers)
Capacity: up to 4,000 pph
With a capacity of up to 4,000 people per hour, TWINLIFT® leisure moving carpets OPTIMIZE traffic flow on the busiest slopes. By clearly defining dedicated spaces, they enhance the safety of all users, especially at the resort’s snow front.
Often installed to replace outdated or unattractive equipment, FUNBELT® moving carpets help lighten the visual landscape by integrating seamlessly without disrupting the natural environment. To perfect this integration, numerous customization options are available. FUNBELT® installations require no foundations.
Usable in all seasons, FUNBELT® moving carpets are suitable for OMNISPORT activities.
For enhanced user comfort, FUNBELT® leisure moving carpets can be equipped with numerous accessories. Motorized handrails for boarding or disembarking assistance, lateral exit aids, wide lateral sidewalks, pacing systems, and more — the possibilities are endless. For more information, feel free to contact us.
FUNBELT® also offers product solutions for everyone. In France, FICAP offers an alternative to purchasing FUNBELT® products: rental with or without a purchase option. And because tight budgets shouldn't prevent access to innovative solutions, the FUNBELT® brand gives a second life to its moving carpets by offering them at very competitive prices!